Do you need an Endgame Strategy for your business?

Definition of Endgame: the final stage of a game such as chess, when few pieces or cards remain


I'm ready to retire and pass along my business


My business needs help to be sellable


I have no one family to pass my business to reports that nearly 2.4 million small business owners are nearing retirement, with no clear successor identified, putting both their businesses and jobs at risk.

A significant number of U.S. businesses are at risk of closing as their owners approach retirement age without a succession plan or what we can an "Endgame Strategy".

Over half of U.S. business owners are 55 or older, and many have no one to take over their business when they retire, leaving the estimate at "millions" for the number of businesses that could close in the coming years due to this issue.

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and with many being unsellable or having no "endgame" plan, the impact of these closures could be substantial to our economy.

This situation highlights the importance of strategic planning for business continuity.

If you own a business that needs an Endgame Strategy please fill out our endgame form now. We want to help YOU make your business sellable or help you figure out an exit plan that doesn't just leave hanging a "business closed" sign as the only option.

You have worked hard at your business. As business owners ourselves, we understand the emotional significance of "shutting down" a business vs. selling or passing along a business to a new owner. We care and we can make it easy. Chess is a strategic game we love to play and you need a good strategy for your business' endgame. Let's start moving your business pieces into the right place now and set you up for a win instead of a loss.

EMIE's Experience

As a small business owner, I have a heart for you as a fellow small business owner. I want to see you succeed.

Nearly two decades of business experience

Worked with over 1000 other businesses

Invested nearly 30K in additional business and marketing education for ourselves

EMIE stands for Edwina Makes It Easy

Client Testimonial

What people are saying about EMIE Business Systems Consulting where Edwina Makes It Easy

As I looked at my growing organization, I knew that we needed someone who could look at our processes with fresh eyes and years of experience. Edwina Adams provided our team with sound advice after looking carefully at our current organizational processes. She helped us see a clear solution to several of the pain points that we were experiencing and provided us with scalable alternatives to our processes. It gave us the courage to do the hard work of reorganizing and we are already reaping the benefits of efficiency and systems confidence. Thank you Edwina for helping us navigate to our next level of client care.


Dr. Jay Raines

CEO, LeadersQ Consulting

College Station, Texas

Meet "Edwina the Encourager"

Edwina Adams is an Adversity Architect and knows firsthand that business can be tough and isolating. She’s here to change that for you. Edwina spent 14 years as a Paramedic in EMS and 10 years as a Flight Medic in the Air Force Reserve in addition to her business experience. Her journey from saving lives to transforming businesses is nothing short of inspiring.

Once Edwina caught the entrepreneurial bug, there was no turning back. Her natural affinity for challenges and her history as an adrenaline seeker made entrepreneurship a perfect fit. Yet, the road was not always smooth. After years of trial and error, Edwina found the key to making business easier. Realizing that many others faced similar struggles, she felt a deep desire to help them succeed.

Edwina has:

✔️ Been a leader in the military as a Technical Sergeant

✔️ Been a leader in EMS as Paramedic/Captain

✔️ Been an entrepreneur since 2008

✔️ Built and sold two businesses

✔️ Negotiated four successful business sales

✔️ Became an industry leader

✔️ Hosts a podcast and speaks

✔️ Has consulted several hundred businesses over the past six years

✔️ Co-Authored a best selling book about Scaling, Innovation and Success in Entrepreneurship

Today, Edwina continues to pursue her passion for teaching and helping others. She’s not just a business expert; she’s also a dedicated wife, mom to her son and daughter, best-selling author, speaker, and podcast host. She runs two successful businesses and still finds time for her favorite hobbies: watercolor painting, family time, Pancake Saturdays, and collecting cool shoes.

How does she manage it all? By mastering the art of making business easy and efficient. Edwina’s proven strategies and deep understanding of business complexities can help you achieve the success you’ve been striving for.


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What do you get with a business consultant?

As your business consultant I am a professional with a diverse set of skills who provides expert advice and guidance to your businesses. I will analyze your company's operations, identify areas for improvement, and recommend strategies for growth and efficiency.

Read here at this link to further understand the difference between a business coach and a business consultant.

Where we are located

Local Region:

College Station, TX and Bryan, TX

College Station, TX, USA

Edwina Makes It Easy (EMIE) & Edwina Adams | Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved